Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fascist Hands

Can’t you see it?
Now look at your hands- Can you see it?

Those are fascist hands.
You don’t even know what the word means- yet you deny it.
Or maybe you do know what it means, but you defy it;
The definition…Not the action.

You ACT: Like a Fascist.
You SPEAK: Like a Fascist.

Every time you make the judgement that other people are “Evil People”
Solely because you [Believe]:
You believe they are wrong
* But you can’t say why.
You believe them to be destructive!
*But you can’t explain HOW.

“FFS these are Rights, and these RIGHTS are HUMAN RIGHTS!”
“God given; thought you don’t believe in God.”
“Because Im god! Im Wiser than GOD”

You ARE god!
Your own god, you have replaced God with yourself and all that you believe…
The irony here is, of course...

Only “God” can help you if youre wrong.
About God being or unbeing? No
About what you believe about the world around you.

The “God” I refer to is a figure of speech.
The context of which is understood by those who can read context
Who understand meaning beyond [words] because they can read [ENTIRE SENTENCES]

What’s in a word?
What cost will you suffer for saying the wrong word?

But the fact of the matter is, you don’t actually NEED to be here.
None of us do, but you know full well why you're still here.

But let me ask you: How does it feel?

How does it feel, to feel the world with fascist hands?
Where only YOUR opinion is THE RIGHT opinion.
Where only YOUR side is “THE RIGHT SIDE” of “history... “

Does it feel like you’ve won?
Well if this is a fight to get people to accept the irrational, unproven; Just because “You heard it from someone”
Then maybe you have…

But if this is a war of ideas: You have lost.
Because the inner workings of the capitalist construct that is the driving force of ambition and greed alike: Will continue to follow patterns IN SPITE of your deepest desires.

People will continue to be people, and people will follow the patterns that people do.
Whether you like it or not…

But most of all

Reality will be.
Whether you like it or not.
No matter how “Unequal” or “Unfair” it is…
And you'll still be whining about why YOU GET LESS
Than people who

… for a living.